
Day 8: Balule Nature Reserve - Bundox Explorer Camp

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The Bundox Explorer Camp was the most beautiful location, and it helped that we were the only guests. Besides the big game we also see a lot of birds. Like the vulture at a killed forest pig, birds at a drinking hole or a bustard (a bird) on the road. The guides are having fun tracking, and they are having fun doing it. But also the sun deck is a nice place to see birds.

African wild dog
Lycaon pictus

African wild dog (Lycaon pictus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/320 sec at F4.0, ISO 2000, distance 15.8 m

The photo shows a African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). It is a animal in the order carnivora and the family canidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 05:52 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Common dwarf mongoose
Helogale parvula

Common dwarf mongoose (Helogale parvula)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 320, distance 21.8 m

The photo shows a Common dwarf mongoose (Helogale parvula). It is a animal in the order carnivora and the family herpestidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mopani District Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa) at 07:00 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Kobus ellipsiprymnus

Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
OM-1 with M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-14, 1/1000 sec at F4.0, ISO 2000, distance 23.2 m

The photo shows a Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus). It is a animal in the order artiodactyla and the family bovidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 07:08 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Brown snake eagle
Circaetus cinereus

Brown snake eagle (Circaetus cinereus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 800, distance 40.2 m

The photo shows a Brown snake eagle (Circaetus cinereus). It is a bird in the order 017 accipitriformes and the family 004 accipitridae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mopani District Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa) at 07:18 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Potamochoerus larvatus

Bush-pig (Potamochoerus larvatus)
OM-1 with M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-14, 1/1000 sec at F4.0, ISO 1250, distance 6.44 m

The photo shows a Bush-pig (Potamochoerus larvatus). It is a animal in the order artiodactyla and the family suidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mopani District Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa) at 08:13 on Monday July 01, 2024.

White-backed vulture
Gyps africanus

White-backed vulture (Gyps africanus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 200, distance 38.1 m

The photo shows a White-backed vulture (Gyps africanus). It is a bird in the order 017 accipitriformes and the family 004 accipitridae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 08:38 on Monday July 01, 2024.

White-fronted bee-eater
Merops bullockoides

White-fronted bee-eater (Merops bullockoides)
OM-1 with M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-14, 1/2000 sec at F5.0, ISO 400, distance 11.1 m

The photo shows a White-fronted bee-eater (Merops bullockoides). It is a bird in the order 037 coraciiformes and the family 006 meropidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 09:20 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Tawny-flanked prinia
Prinia subflava

Tawny-flanked prinia (Prinia subflava)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 2500, distance 12.4 m

The photo shows a Tawny-flanked prinia (Prinia subflava). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 088 cisticolidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 09:35 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Black-collared barbet
Lybius torquatus

Black-collared barbet (Lybius torquatus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 1250, distance 14.9 m

The photo shows a Black-collared barbet (Lybius torquatus). It is a bird in the order 039 piciformes and the family 007 lybiidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 09:41 on Monday July 01, 2024.

African pied wagtail
Motacilla aguimp

African pied wagtail (Motacilla aguimp)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 250, distance 11.4 m

The photo shows a African pied wagtail (Motacilla aguimp). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 119 motacillidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 09:48 on Monday July 01, 2024.

White-crowned lapwing
Vanellus albiceps

White-crowned lapwing (Vanellus albiceps)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 200, distance 43.2 m

The photo shows a White-crowned lapwing (Vanellus albiceps). It is a bird in the order 024 charadriiformes and the family 009 charadriidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 10:12 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Black-backed puffback ♀
Dryoscopus cubla

Black-backed puffback (Dryoscopus cubla)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 1000, distance 19.6 m

The photo shows a Black-backed puffback (Dryoscopus cubla). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 036 malaconotidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 10:12 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Brown-hooded kingfisher
Halcyon albiventris

Brown-hooded kingfisher (Halcyon albiventris)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 640, distance 11.6 m

The photo shows a Brown-hooded kingfisher (Halcyon albiventris). It is a bird in the order 037 coraciiformes and the family 003 alcedinidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 10:24 on Monday July 01, 2024.

White-crested helmetshrike
Prionops plumatus

White-crested helmetshrike (Prionops plumatus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 200, distance 18.6 m

The photo shows a White-crested helmetshrike (Prionops plumatus). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family Prionopidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 11:16 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Brown-crowned tchagra
Tchagra australis

Brown-crowned tchagra (Tchagra australis)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 500, distance 9.19 m

The photo shows a Brown-crowned tchagra (Tchagra australis). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 036 malaconotidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve at 12:47 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Long-billed crombec
Sylvietta rufescens

Long-billed crombec (Sylvietta rufescens)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 1250, distance 7.54 m

The photo shows a Long-billed crombec (Sylvietta rufescens). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family Macrosphenidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve at 12:54 on Monday July 01, 2024.

African elephant
Loxodonta africana

African elephant (Loxodonta africana)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/400 sec at F5.0, ISO 200, distance 142 m

The photo shows a African elephant (Loxodonta africana). It is a animal in the order proboscidea and the family elephantidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 13:53 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Sabota lark
Calendulauda sabota

Sabota lark (Calendulauda sabota)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/640 sec at F6.3, ISO 200, distance 10.2 m

The photo shows a Sabota lark (Calendulauda sabota). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family Alaudidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 14:36 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Hooded vulture
Necrosyrtes monachus

Hooded vulture (Necrosyrtes monachus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/400 sec at F5.0, ISO 200, distance 30.1 m

The photo shows a Hooded vulture (Necrosyrtes monachus). It is a bird in the order 017 accipitriformes and the family 004 accipitridae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mopani District Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa) at 15:04 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Raphicerus campestris

Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/1000 sec at F5.6, ISO 200, distance 15.4 m

The photo shows a Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris). It is a animal in the order artiodactyla and the family bovidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mopani District Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa) at 15:14 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Red-crested korhaan
Lophotis ruficrista

Red-crested korhaan (Lophotis ruficrista)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 1250, distance 17.1 m

The photo shows a Red-crested korhaan (Lophotis ruficrista). It is a bird in the order 019 otidiformes and the family 001 otididae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mopani District Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa) at 15:22 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Blue waxbill
Uraeginthus angolensis

Blue waxbill (Uraeginthus angolensis)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/2000 sec at F4.0, ISO 1250, distance 6.64 m

The photo shows a Blue waxbill (Uraeginthus angolensis). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 115 estrildidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mopani District Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa) at 15:32 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Violet-eared waxbill
Uraeginthus granatinus

Violet-eared waxbill (Uraeginthus granatinus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/500 sec at F5.0, ISO 200, distance 16.3 m

The photo shows a Violet-eared waxbill (Uraeginthus granatinus). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 115 estrildidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 15:42 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Grey go-away-bird
Corythaixoides concolor

Grey go-away-bird (Corythaixoides concolor)
OM-1 with M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-14, 1/2000 sec at F5.0, ISO 320, distance 20.3 m

The photo shows a Grey go-away-bird (Corythaixoides concolor). It is a bird in the order 029 musophagiformes and the family 001 musophagidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 15:44 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Fork-tailed drongo
Dicrurus adsimilis

Fork-tailed drongo (Dicrurus adsimilis)
OM-1 with M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-14, 1/2000 sec at F5.0, ISO 1600, distance 7.81 m

The photo shows a Fork-tailed drongo (Dicrurus adsimilis). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 051 dicruridae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 16:41 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Spotted eagle-owl
Bubo africanus

Spotted eagle-owl (Bubo africanus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/160 sec at F4.0, ISO 10000, distance 13.0 m

The photo shows a Spotted eagle-owl (Bubo africanus). It is a bird in the order 031 strigiformes and the family 002 strigidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 17:33 on Monday July 01, 2024.

Moholi bushbaby
Galago moholi

Moholi bushbaby (Galago moholi)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0, 1/800 sec at F4.0, ISO 10000, distance 10.0 m

The photo shows a Moholi bushbaby (Galago moholi). It is a animal in the order primates and the family Galagidae. The photo was taken at Balule Nature Reserve (Mica, Limpopo, South Africa) at 17:45 on Monday July 01, 2024.

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